Trade Show Flooring
So you’ve finally followed your dreams and become a kick a** entrepreneur. You’ve got your business up and running, and now you’re ready to take it on the road and get the word out to the entire world that you are selling the coolest thing ever. Sweeeeet! But wait, hold on a second. What do you need to take your business on the road? How do people set up those trade show booths anyhow? And wait, I HAVE TO BRING MY OWN FLOOR?! It’s okay. Calm down. Take a breath. This process doesn’t have to be scary, stressful or intimidating. With just a little bit of knowledge under your belt, you will quickly become a trade show pro, creating the most beautiful and eye catching exhibits that attract millions of customers all coming to see the magic you have in store.
A few requirements of trade show booth flooring.
- Flooring for trade shows needs to be lightweight. Remember that whole part about how you’re taking your entire exhibit on the road? Traveling, picking it up, putting it down, etc. Your portable trade show flooring needs to be light enough for you to carry with ease multiple times per week.
Trade show event flooring needs to be easy to install. Not only do you need to be able to pick up your portable trade show flooring with ease, but you’re also going to be installing and uninstalling countless times throughout your travels. Installation needs to be easy and temporary.
Your portable event flooring needs to be comfortable. You’re going to be standing for who knows how many hours on end and you don’t want to end up flat on your back in pain! Those products aren’t gonna sell themselves. Not to mention, do you want your potential customers leaving immediately because your booth is uncomfortable to stand in? Didn’t think so. That’s why you need a little resiliency and anti-fatigue technology in your trade show flooring.
Your event flooring needs to look sharp. Ain’t nobody hangin’ out in an ugly trade show booth. There are lots of styles and colors to choose from to achieve the look you want, it just needs to pop.
Trade Show Tiles
With their easy, DIY installation, it’s no wonder that the majority of our trade show flooring is comprised of interlocking trade show flooring tiles. In rubber, carpet, PVC, foam and vinyl, you’ve got plenty of trade show floor tiles to choose from. Interlocking trade show flooring comes together just like a puzzle. A simple puzzle, like the 50 piece kind, not the 1,000 Thomas Kinkaid kind. These trade show booth flooring tiles fit into all of your exhibit needs, and even offer looks in trade show wood flooring.
Foam Trade Show Flooring
Foam is super lightweight and easy to transport, making it our most popular trade show flooring option. Foam flooring is probably the easiest trade show flooring option as far as installation and break down. While foam is quite portable, it is not always as tough and durable as rubber and can be damaged by high heels and sharp objects..
Rubber Trade Show Flooring
Rubber flooring for trade shows is an excellent option for durability on the road. These floors take a beating and rubber is known for its tough, long lasting qualities. Are you planning on looking sharp in your new pair of heels? Or attracting female customers that may be wearing heels themselves? Rubber can hold up to heels a lot better than foam (and your feet!), making it a popular choice for female driven business. The downside to rubber flooring is that is can be heavy, making it challenging to carry around.
Soft Plastic/PVC Trade Show Flooring
With their smooth, sleek look, light weight and easy installation, soft plastic/PVC trade show booth flooring tiles are one of our customer favorites. The color and design options are endless, and these tiles offer the durability of rubber with the lightweight properties of foam. A win, win.
Carpet Trade Show Flooring
Everyone loves the cozy, homey look that carpet brings to a space. Traditional broadloom carpet is anything but portable. However, trade show carpet tiles make it easy to take a nice carpet flooring on the road. Easily put these lightweight trade show flooring carpet tiles together and give the appearance of an expensive, seamless carpet. Purchasing trade show carpet tile saves you money, rather than renting a carpet and it won’t show those pesky high heel indentions the way other floors can.