Is this turf soft for toddlers to play/sit on ? Does is drain rain/snow easily and how ? How to clean it from (animal urine...)? Can we install it on wooden deck and how ? Do you do installation ?
Our Playsafe Turf Rolls are soft enough for a toddler to play and sit on. This turf roll has been made both durability and comfort. Our outdoor turf features small drainage holes that allow water and other liquids to pass through the turf to the subsurface below. Cleaning our turf is very easy. For large dirt and debris, you can pick up or rake the material off the turf. For stuck on dirt and debris, you can hose off the turf to get it clean. We do offer a wide range of products that can be used to clean our turf after pet accidents. Please check out our turf accessories area to see all the offerings we offer. You can install our turf on a wooden deck. You can either lose lay the turf over the deck or tape/glue it to the deck. We recommend just lose laying it on your deck so you can properly clean under it. We don't do installation, but you can find qualified installers in your area through Angie's List, Home Advisor, or Google. Also, our turf is very to install and we offer a video that helps with it. If you have further questions about how to install our turf, please feel free to reach out to one of Flooring Heroes via phone, chat, or email.