If 8mm is somewhat porous if used in a kitchen will it absorb fluids/spills or if you clean the spill up quickly will it still leave stain spots. Like a glass of red wine, spaghetti sauce, mustard spot, etc. You know those very stainable type things you find in any kitchen.

If you spill any liquids on our 8mm Strong Rubber Rolls - Designer Series the liquid would sit on top of the flooring for a period. If you were to spill say red wine or spaghetti sauce, they would not stain the flooring. One thing you may notice with more solid substances, like spaghetti sauce, is that as you clean them up, there is potential for the sauce to get caught in the pores. When using our rubber flooring in a kitchen environment, we would recommend sealing the floor with our Rubber Floor Finish and Sealer to truly prevent any foreign substances getting in the pores of the floor. Also, sealing the flooring would make it much easier to clean.